How to send and receive QVariantMap with pyqt5 QDatastream ?
General and Desktop
I can send QVariantMap from C++ to the python client and can receive with:
VariantMap = out.readQVariantMap() ##map["dbname"] png = VariantMap["PNG-image"] UserName = VariantMap["mq_username"] np_database = VariantMap["np_database"] category = VariantMap["category"]
How can I send the same QVariantMap from python ? I am using mtqq for messaging and utilizing the QDataStream.
What are you using on the Python side for MQTT communication ?
i m using paho
Just send your data using the client. You'll get the message on the other side.
I coulnt find the QVariantMap in the PyQt5 to receive in c++ side
Likely because it's a dict.
In any case, why are you trying to send a QVariantMap since you are using a different library to communicate with your mqtt server ?