How to Build Open Source Library .Dll Generation
I am using development environment of windows 8.1 64Bit + Visual Studio 2013 + Qt Creator 5.4.2.
Qt Creator wants to run a project developed as CMakeList.txt. When I run CMakeList, I get an error that the required libraries in that project do not exist.
The libraries are open source libraries, so you can download them from the official website.
FreeType Library (FreeType 2.9.1) &
libpng Library (libpng 1.6.35) &
zlb Library (zlib 1.2.11) &
little cms Library (LCMS 2.9)I want to use the libraries listed above.
After unpacking the libraries, there is a Project folder inside the folder and Visual Studio.Sln (solution) exists so that you can run Visual Studio Project. I want to build a DLL and register it in the system and let CMakeList run normally.
Release 64 Build in Visual Studio doesn't build due to errors like "~ .h" file not found.
How can I make a DLL file of an open source library?
Thank you
You need to follow the instructions of each libraries. Install then all in a central folder so you can then point it to cmake when building your projects.