llvm-strip does not exist
I want to develop android apps on arch linux.
I installed necassary packages:
Qt 5.12.4 installed via online installer
openjdk-8 installed via pacman
android-sdk 26.1.1 installed via yay (AUR)
android-ndk 17.2 installed via yay (AUR) (android-ndk-r17c)
android-sdk-build-tools 28.0.3 installed via yay (AUR)
android-sdk-platform-tool 29.0 installed via yay (AUR)Every thing is setup correctly and Qt creator automatically finds compilers and kits for various Qt versions (gcc x64, android clang x86, android clang armv7, android clang aarch64).
But when I try to compile an android program (e.g animated tiles example), I get following error:
Command does not exist: /opt/android-ndk/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/llvm-strip
09:39:10: The process "/home/majid/Documents/Qt/5.12.4/android_armv7/bin/androiddeployqt" exited with code 9. Error while building/deploying project animatedtiles (kit: Android for armeabi-v7a (Clang Qt 5.12.4 for Android ARMv7)) When executing step "Build Android APK"
There is not llvm-strip in/opt/android-ndk/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/
How can I resolve the problem?
Thanks :) -
Solved by installing android-ndk-r19 manually.
It does not exist in arch linux repos.