Qt 5.13 is not ready for Android (was QtCreator doesn't find compilers)
I try work with QtCreator 4.6 to build my apps on Qt 5.13. Another bug met - QtCreator cannot find compiler for Android NDK r19c. First I tried build application with NDK r12b which I successfully used during latest years. I've got compiler error message: no file type_traits to include from qglobal.h. After reading in Inet I see - this is because of NDK r12b is incompatible with latest Qt versions. I downloaded NDK r19c from this page and unzipped it to /opt folder as needed. But when I set /opt/android-ndk-r12b in Options/Devices/Android/Android NDK location and strike Apply - in page Build & Run/Compilers ALL Android compilers suddenly disappear... Only x86 32/64 bit compilers remain there. And... how?
I just copied non-existing binaries from r12b to r19c folders... Looks like works for while.
But while I experimented with this all - QtCreator registered lots of fake kits:
And how to clean this from red-labeled kits? Who was too much smart to disable Remove button?????.... -
@Gourmet I checked r20 NDK and there are Clang ARM compilers.
"Who was too much smart to disable Remove button?????...." - shouldn't you first select a Kit you want to remove? What should "Remove" button remove if you did not select any Kit? -
@Gourmet report is here: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTCREATORBUG-22677
@jsulm said in Qt 5.13 is not ready for Android (was QtCreator doesn't find compilers):
I checked r20 NDK and there are Clang ARM compilers.
QtCreator does not add it automatically. Just try tune QtCreator for development of multiplatform apps and it will become clear: Qt 5.12/5.13 IS NOT READY FOR DEVELOPMENT.