Qt example (World Time Clock Plugin Example ) Notification Error :could not find the executable please specify one
I need to learn more about using the ready and written widget into my new mainwindows or widgets, So I have reached to
Custom Widget Plugin
by this link descriptions and for example, I need to run this example :
World Time Clock Plugin Example
The file worldtimeclockplugin.pro is :#! [0] QT += widgets uiplugin #! [0] QTDIR_build { # This is only for the Qt build. Do not use externally. We mean it. PLUGIN_TYPE = designer PLUGIN_CLASS_NAME = WorldTimeClockPlugin load(qt_plugin) CONFIG += install_ok } else { # Public example: TARGET = $$qtLibraryTarget($$TARGET) #! [1] CONFIG += plugin TEMPLATE = lib #! [1] target.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS]/designer #target.path =/home/so/Qt/5.12.3/gcc_64/plugins/designer INSTALLS += target } #! [2] HEADERS = worldtimeclock.h \ worldtimeclockplugin.h SOURCES = worldtimeclock.cpp \ worldtimeclockplugin.cpp #! [2]
of Qt, but when i want to run it via relase mode i get The Could not find the executable please specify one notification :
So I found this instruction to solve this problem :
It should be compiled that the plugin is not an executable file, so qt
can't find a file that can be executed. The solution is: SolutionOnly "build" does not "run", in general, in order not to pollute the
source code, a build folder will be created to store the compiled
code, and then used in the build folder.Sudo make install
now i went to the release folder :
and I do
sudo make install
, I get this output:/home/so/Qt/5.12.3/gcc_64/bin/qmake -install qinstall -exe libworldtimeclockplugin.so /home/so/Qt/5.12.3/gcc_64/plugins/designer/libworldtimeclockplugin.so strip --strip-unneeded /home/so/Qt/5.12.3/gcc_64/plugins/designer/libworldtimeclockplugin.so
It has created the
file and the folder is shown below:but again I have the already notification.
What should I do? how can I solve this problem?
My stackoverflow question link is:
@SoheilSabz If you're creating a plug-in for designer then you need to copy the final plug-in library to the same location where other designer plug--ins are. Also, you have to use same Qt version which was used to build your version of designer.