inherite from QThread, but donnot overrider virtual void run(), is this OK?
inherite from QThread, but donnot overrider virtual void run(), is this OK?
class MyThread : public QThread { public: MyThread(QObject* parent) : QThread(parent) {} ~MyThread() { exit(); } protected: //virtual void run();//use the dafault QThread::run(). protected slots: void slot_SendEmail(const MyInfo& info) {......;} } void main() { MyThread t; connect(...,...,...,slot_SendEmail); t.start(); //and then emit the signal_SendEmail(const MyInfo& /*info*/) @MainThread in some class::function frequently }
A more classic approach would be to use worker object here. But yes, what you wrote should work fine as long as you don't call
directly (to make sure your compiler will check this - move it toprivate
part of your header).To be 100% sure you can print thread ID in main.cpp and in your slot - if they are different then the method is invoked in the thread.
@opengpu said in inherite from QThread, but donnot overrider virtual void run(), is this OK?:
is the above code OK?
Not if you intend
to be called in the thread you spawned, no.QThread
is living in the main thread (as it should be). Use the worker object approach which @sierdzio alluded to. -
@opengpu I don't think this is OK. There is a common mistake with QThread usage.
QThread is a Qt object which will control a thread, but QThread instance leaves in the thread in which the instance has been created, not in the created thread.
So the slots/signals of the MyThread class will be launched in the thread used to create the MyThread instance.A good practice for multi-threading with Qt, is to create a worker class and to move the instance to the thread, not to sub-class QThread.
Take a look at following links for more details:
@KroMignon thank you , i think you are right. the signal and slot will be both at MainThread...before this i normally overide the virutal run(), and mainly do things @run().
at this time, i just need to SendMail(const MyInfo& info), so i tried to make it simple, without loop @run() with a list. -
@KroMignon said in inherite from QThread, but donnot overrider virtual void run(), is this OK?:
So the slots/signals of the MyThread class will be launched in the thread used to create the MyThread instance.
Yep, I've just tested. @opengpu so you have to use worker object or implement
. Both approaches are described in great detail in QThread documentation. -
class Worker : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public slots: void doWork(const QString ¶meter) { QString result; /* ... here is the expensive or blocking operation ... */ emit resultReady(result); } signals: void resultReady(const QString &result); }; class Controller : public QObject { Q_OBJECT QThread workerThread; public: Controller() { Worker *worker = new Worker; worker->moveToThread(&workerThread); connect(&workerThread, &QThread::finished, worker, &QObject::deleteLater); connect(this, &Controller::operate, worker, &Worker::doWork); connect(worker, &Worker::resultReady, this, &Controller::handleResults); workerThread.start(); } ~Controller() { workerThread.quit(); workerThread.wait(); } public slots: void handleResults(const QString &); signals: void operate(const QString &); };
thanks, and i will use this.
is this OK?
the 'doWork' is slow, and the emit 'operate' is very very frequently.
so is it OK when the previous signal's 'doWork' is still not finished & the next (maybe more than one)'operate' is already emitted. -
@opengpu said in inherite from QThread, but donnot overrider virtual void run(), is this OK?:
so is it OK when the previous signal's 'doWork' is still not finished & the next (maybe more than one)'operate' is already emitted.
The worker QThread implements a QEventQueue, when a new signal emitted from Controller, it will be stored in message queue. And when slot has been processed on Worker, next message will be extract from queue. And so on.
More details can be found here:
Messages will be processed in the order of reception in WorkerThread.
I would to initialization of Thread and Worker like this:
Worker *worker = new Worker; // no need to hold pointer to worker QThread *workerThread = new QThread; // no need to hold pointer to worker thread connect(this, &Controller::operate, worker, Worker::doWork); connect(worker, &Worker::resultReady, this, &Controller::handleResults); // delete worker on controller end connect(this, &QObject::destroyed, worker, Worker::deleteLater, Qt::DirectConnection); // stop and delete worker thread on worker end connect(worker, &QObject::destroyed, workerThread, [](QObject *){ quit(); wait(); deleteLater(); }, Qt::DirectConnection); worker->moveToThread(workerThread); workerThread.start();
@KroMignon said in inherite from QThread, but donnot overrider virtual void run(), is this OK?:
connect(this, &QObject::destroyed, worker, Worker::deleteLater, Qt::DirectConnection);
This is a race condition -
is a slot and it's not thread-safe. Don't force the connection type. -
i want to set a min time interval inside which the emit operate or the slot doWork should be INVALID and do nothing.
before when overrider the virtual run(), that's easy to about this situation while using this worker-method?
eg. if doWork is implemented and until 1 min passed, the signal or slot should not emit or implemented in this 1 min. and the signal/slot doesnot be renmembered, just ignore them.
QElapsedTimer m_ElapsedTimer;
if ( !m_ElapsedTimer.isValid() || m_ElapsedTimer.hasExpired(timeout)) { emit signalSendEmail(); m_ElapsedTimer.restart(); }
i want to write like this, this will not restrict the 1st time emit, and since the 1st emit, the next emit is only allowed outof timeout milliseconds.
However, i want the exe runs very very long time. the qinit64 seems still not that long enough for the longest interval in theory(qint64 is only about 214783 seconds). What will happen if the real time interval is longer than this?
And what is the best method to get the longest time interval supportted in code? -
@opengpu See my answer in your other thread ( I really have no idea why you think it is 214783 seconds only when using qint64...
@opengpu said in inherite from QThread, but donnot overrider virtual void run(), is this OK?:
workerThread donot need sleep?
No, they are not humans :-)
Why are you asking? A thread can sleep or be busy.