Qt WASAPI Plugin loopback
I was wondering if anyone has played around with audio loop backs in Qt. I'm current trying to build a visualizer for windows and would love to have it use the WASAPI so it would work with other application playing sounds. Currently I have a sort of hacky work around with a hardware loop back, but I know that some devices don't have that option. I've spent the last few hours comparing the WASAPI plugin(https://github.com/qt/qtmultimedia/tree/5.12/src/plugins/wasapi) with Microsoft loop back (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/coreaudio/loopback-recording), and it seem live it's not possible with the current code. I was wondering if anyone else has looked into this, or can confirm this for me, or if might be going about this in the totally wrong direction.
Thanks -
I haven't dug into the details so I can't answer you, sorry. However I find the use case interesting, can you explain why you think that it won't work ?