Add Qlabel as item in QTableview
How to add a qlabel(with qpixmap in it) in QTableview as each cell item?
so that the ouput looks like the image.
I tried with
- Qtablewidget and QTableitemwidget with seticon on item, but that makes the image as a small one in the left with a available text space on the right.
QTableWidget* signImageTable = new QTableWidget(); QPixmap iconPixmap; iconPixmap.load("No_Passing.png"); QTableWidgetItem* imageLabel = new QTableWidgetItem(); imageLabel->setIcon(QIcon(iconPixmap)); signImageTable->setItem(rowCounter, colCounter++, imageLabel);
- I tried with QTableView and setIcon on each item, which had the same output
QTableView* m_pTableWidget = new QTableView(this); QStandardItem* item = new QStandardItem(); item->setIcon(QIcon(pixmap)); standardItemmodel->setItem(rowCounter, colCounter++, item); m_pTableWidget->setModel(model);
So, maybe set icon makes it shrink. QLabel with setPixamp set on it and adding them as qstandardItem in the tableview's model will look as expected.
I need the tableview as, the selected image name is required.
Please suggest how to add qlabel as item in QTableView!
Sayan -
3rd option: implement a custom QStyledItemDelegate to draw the image the way you want it.
@SGaist said in Add Qlabel as item in QTableview:
Ok..I'll try with that.
from google search maybe this kind of output it will give, which maybe as our requirement.
Else, I have some lengthy approach..implement custom label with mousepressevent handled which emits the object name and add these custom labels, 20 in HLayout and add hlayouts in a vlayout...