Qml listview add new row to a sub vector in the model
I have got a custom structure defined in C++, which contains several variables among them is a QList variable. I can now add a new structure dynamically in Qml listview, but my question is I also want to add a new item into QList inside the structure, I can do this in the background but fail to update the listview.
I think the error appears in the connect() function in C++. As I understand in order to add a new row need to call beginInsertRows() and endInsertRows(), but should be sender and receiver be the same in these two scenarios?
connect(mList, &PropertyList::preItemAppended, this, = {
const int index = mList->items().size();
beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), index, index);
connect(mList, &PropertyList::postItemAppended, this, = {
});connect(mList, &PropertyList::preParamAppended, this, [=]() { const int index = mList->getParams().size(); beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), 0, 0); }); connect(mList, &PropertyList::postParamAppended, this, [=]() { endInsertRows(); });
It looks a bit convoluted. The usual implementation is rather:
beginInsertRows(modelIndex, start, end); // do what needs to be done mList.append(item); endInsertRows();
In the method where you trigger adding a new row.