Compiling Qt WebKit with qt 5.12.0 failed
I wan't to compile QtWebKit on my linuxmint 19 system with QT 5.12.0 but I only get the error message[ 22%] Linking CXX executable ../../../bin/testb3 ../../../lib/libJavaScriptCore.a(../../../lib/../Source/JavaScriptCore/CMakeFiles/JavaScriptCore.dir/parser/Lexer.cpp.o):Lexer.cpp:function JSC::isNonLatin1IdentStart(char16_t): Fehler: undefined reference to 'u_charType_60' ../../../lib/libJavaScriptCore.a(../../../lib/../Source/JavaScriptCore/CMakeFiles/JavaScriptCore.dir/parser/Lexer.cpp.o):Lexer.cpp:function JSC::isNonLatin1IdentPart(int): Fehler: undefined reference to 'u_charType_60'
Can you tell me, what is wrong and what I have to do that I can compile the QtWebKit.
Tahnk you for your
martin -
Where did you the QtWebKit sources from ?
I did a git clone from[core]
repositoryformatversion = 0
filemode = true
bare = false
logallrefupdates = true
[remote "origin"]
url =
fetch = +refs/heads/:refs/remotes/origin/
[branch "5.212"]
remote = origin
merge = refs/heads/5.212BR
martin -
Your issue is caused by mismatch between ICU headers and libraries. How do you build QtWebKit?
Please use -DQt5_DIR instead of -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to specify Qt path, as described in wiki. Use fresh build
CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH causes cmake to pick ICU libraries from Qt SDK while using system ICU headers (which have different version)