What do you use for mac/win in-app-purchase?
I WAS using paddle, but they stopped supporting their Windows SDK, and now they say they'll no longer support serial number generation / validation.
What do folks use?
How are you using it currently ? From within your application or do your users get a licence key they have to enter out of bound ?
currently i use the "Classic" Paddle SDK on mac, and API on Windows, since they got rid of the Windows SDK.
on mac, it's entirely in-app, and the return value of successful purchase is the serial number, so the user doesn't have to enter it.
on Windows, it used to be the same, when they supported the win SDK, but since they pulled that rug, it now goes to a web site for the purchase, and at the end the user is presented with the serial number, which they copy. switching back to the app, it notices the SN on the clipboard and enters it for them, so even then they do not have to enter it.
my WISH is to go back to a fully in-app method, like we have now with the mac. but the mac SDK is soon to be discontinued too, and their licensing server is ALSO going offline so they will no longer manage serial numbers. (i have a rant with the fury of a thousands suns about all this).
so, what eCommerce solution do folks use, who provide in-app purchase, and manage serial numbers, activations, license checks etc?
Anyone? really? does nobody use in-app-purchase?
Currently I am not but I think there was an answer on the development mailing.
wow, well, okay i guess nobody does in-app purchasing? i guess i'm in a bubble.
@davecotter Well, you are asking a generic, non-Qt question in a Qt forum.
For Qt 5 there was Qt Purchasing. This does not seem to exist in Qt 6.
well, i'm asking what Qt developers use, specifically. i'm a Qt developer, and i'd like to know.
right, Qt Purchasing would have been awesome if it worked for NON-app store mac and windows apps. but it only did app-store stuff on mac, and nothing on windows.
i'm looking for a mac/windows cross platform solution. i'm looking into Paddle.
@davecotter said in What do you use for mac/win in-app-purchase?:
i guess i'm in a bubble.
IDK. I guess most Qt developers (including myself) either work for medium/large companies or do open source projects. In the age of smartphones and ubiquitous and powerful browsers, ISVs that make a living by selling traditional desktop applications seem like a dying breed.
For what is worth, I know one such guy that sells (or at least used to sell) through Lemon Squeezy. He told me that he liked the service but it was too expensive.
sigh. i guess these are the last of the good ole' days