LNK1158: cannot run 'rc.exe'
I am on a new contract working with another legacy build environment and old tools:
Qt Creator 4.4.1 Based on 5.9.2 (MSVC 2015, 32 bit) Built on Oct 4 2017 04:12:53 From revision: 6afdb8bdf9
I have no choice on the build versions and compiler used, it is the requirement. Unfortunately the laptop I have been given to perform the development had only Qt installed and the compiler wasn't installed correctly as the C++ libraries were not installed, neither was a debugger installed.
I have downloaded and installed MSVC 2019 with 2015 SDK C++ checked, I also downloaded the Windows SDK tools, so the Compiler and Debugger are now set to:
C: Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler 14.0 (x86) C++: Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler 14.0 (x86) Debugger: Auto-detected CDB at C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\x86\cdb.exe
The only problem remaining when I build the project is that CMake is empty and not detected, which results in the LNK1158 error.
If you don't have to actually run the deployment from your laptop you can just download the MinGW version of the Qt version you can use and develop/test on that. Unless the software is super low level there shouldn't be any incompatibility due to changing the compiler