Issue with Signals and Slots & QWizard
I have set up a QWizard in the same way as Qt licensewizard example. I launch the wizard from my mainWindow.cpp using wizard.exec;
Within my wizard I want to pass information back over to my MainWindow. To do this I have done:
myWizard wizard; connect(&wizard, &myWizard::sendTheData, this, &MainWindow::recieveTheData); wizard.exec;
The problem I am having is that I am not sure how emit the myWizard::sendTheData signal when the user presses Done to complete the wizard.
I have tried to do this:
void finalPage::setVisible(bool visible) { QWizardPage::setVisible(visible); connect(wizard()->button(QWizard::FinishButton), &QPushButton::clicked, wizard(), &myWizard::sendTheData ); }
but this gives me "no matching member function for call to 'connect'"
I also tried, in mainWindow.cpp to connect a signal that is sent from the finalPage class to a slot in mainWindow, like below, but that also doesn't work.
myWizard wizard; finalPage fp; connect(&fp, &finalPage::sendTheData, this, &MainWindow::recieveTheData); wizard.exec;
Any help would be appreciated thank you!
Do you have the signals declared in your headers?
You need something like
signals: void sendTheData();
in your
You might be over-engineering it.
You can simply give getters to your wizard and retrieve the data from it after calling exec. A wizard rarely needs signal and slots to pass data.
Yeah definitely. Mywindow.h and mywizard.h both have the slot/signal.
@SGaist thanks for this direction.
Could you share/link me to an example to show what you mean? I’ve not heard the term “getter” before 😅
QWizard::currentPage is a getter for example.
A getter is method that returns a value, pointer, etc. It might be implemented in tandem with a setter.
Qt read/write properties have one of each for example.
@SGaist I was way over-engineering it!
I just used registerField("fieldName", widget) for each of the fields in each of the QWizardPages that I wanted to take across to mainWindow. Then after wizard.exec in mainWindow, I just called QVariant item1 = wizard.field("fieldName"). Then I converted each of the QVariants to the types I wanted :)
Works a charm. Thank you!!