Possible to derive QNetworkInterface from QAbstractSocket?
Hi all -
I think the answer is "no," but in hopes I'm wrong: when I get a readyRead signal from a QUdpSocket, can I determine what QNetworkInterface the socket was opened on?
If not, I'll just maintain a structure when the socket is created, storing such information.
Any solution needs to work on Windows 7+, too.
Just a wild guess but if you use the local address from your socket and compare it to what you get from QNetworkInterface::addressEntries(), you might get what you want.
@SGaist I'm still experimenting, but I think this is on the right track.
A current impediment is that I'm getting 2 addresses for each interface. This code:
QList<QNetworkInterface> qniList; QList<QNetworkInterface>::iterator it_qni; QList<QNetworkAddressEntry> addrList; QNetworkAddressEntry addr; qniList = QNetworkInterface::allInterfaces(); addrList = it_qni->addressEntries(); for (int i = 0; i < addrList.count(); ++i) { addr = addrList.at(i); qDebug() << "address entry for" << it_qni->humanReadableName() << "is" << addr.ip().toString() << endl; }
Produces this:
address entry for "Ethernet 3" is "fe80::1c95:811:9e0f:11ce%ethernet_32774" address entry for "Ethernet 3" is "" address entry for "Ethernet 2" is "fe80::7048:c341:d778:e156%ethernet_32776" address entry for "Ethernet 2" is "" address entry for "VirtualBox Host-Only Network #2" is "fe80::2561:4b08:7c46:13ba%ethernet_32777" address entry for "VirtualBox Host-Only Network #2" is "" address entry for "Npcap Loopback Adapter" is "fe80::249f:836c:cb98:fa1f%ethernet_32778" address entry for "Npcap Loopback Adapter" is ""
Is there a way for me to restrict what's returned to IPv4 addresses only?
Also, when I receive something from one of my sockets, this code:
QUdpSocket *sock; sock = qobject_cast<QUdpSocket *>(sender()); QHostAddress qha = sock->localAddress(); qDebug() << "responding socket has local address" << qha.toString();
Produces this:
responding socket has local address ""
Which doesn't match any of the addresses returned. Any idea what might be going on here?
@mzimmers said in Possible to derive QNetworkInterface from QAbstractSocket?:
Is there a way for me to restrict what's returned to IPv4 addresses only?
See the documentation.
This post is deleted!
@Christian-Ehrlicher ah, thank you, Christian. It took me a few minutes to connect the dots, but I now see that this will work:
for (int i = 0; i < addrList.count(); ++i) { addr = addrList.at(i); QHostAddress qha = addr.ip(); if (qha.scopeId().isEmpty()) // empty scope ID means that it's IP4 { qDebug() << "address entry for" << it_qni->humanReadableName() << "is" << addr.ip().toString(); } }
If I may ask, as a networking neophyte, I don't understand why Qt provides both the QHostAddress class and the QNetworkAddressEntry class. Can you (or someone else) help me understand the distinction?
QHostAddress is the address of one machine, not necessarily yours.
QNetworkAddressEntry Is one of the addresses associated with one of your network interface.
Thanks, SGaist.
Moving to my other current issue: since this code:
QUdpSocket *sock; sock = qobject_cast<QUdpSocket *>(sender()); QHostAddress qha = sock->localAddress(); qDebug() << "responding socket has local address" << qha.toString();
is returning an address of (for reasons I don't understand), I guess I need to keep a table of sockets, and the interfaces to which they're connected. I was going to use the socket as a key, but when I try this:
QUdpSocket sock; QUdpSocket *pSock; sockList.push_back(new QUdpSocket); pSock = (sockList.last()); sock = *pSock;
I get a warning (from the last line). I don't understand why that isn't working, but is there a better approach anyway?
Christian Ehrlicher Lifetime Qt Championwrote on 6 Apr 2020, 06:47 last edited by Christian Ehrlicher 4 Jun 2020, 07:07
@mzimmers said in Possible to derive QNetworkInterface from QAbstractSocket?:
I get a warning (from the last line). I don't understand why that isn't working
Because you can't copy QObjects by value.
And I meant https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qhostaddress.html#protocol
@Christian-Ehrlicher thank you.
To return to my original question, SGaist's suggestion works fine. Originally I was having trouble because my sockets were intended for UDP multicast, and as such were bound to AnyIPv4. Once I changed this (OK to do so since I'm controlling access to the interfaces myself), the addressed appeared just fine.
Thanks to all who helped.