Qt Mobility Tech Preview - Maps and Navigation API
Is it tile based or OviMaps based?
I believe the most great/killer feature of a maps API will be to access it offline...
And, afaik, nokia is the only "big player" capable of build it.
That's correct. The current plugin is for online maps - if you're viewing the map you're probably downloading map data (unless it's already been cached).
Do you have a use case for when someone might want to control the downloading for an online map viewer? Up until now I've been assuming that anyone using a map viewer with an online maps data plugin would be fine with handing control of when the downloading occurs to the viewer and/or the plugin.
There are some cache control hints you can give via parameters for the plugin - we'll document those properly once we sort out the naming and a few other issues.
What's the right way to add images on a map ? (like I do for "Lugdulo'V":http://xf.iksaif.net/dev/lugdulov.html, with qmapcontrol).
Should we use "QGeoMapObject":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/qtmobility-1.1-tp/qgeomapobject.html ) with the "Marker" type ? Then how can I set a pixmap ? Or maybe a new QGeoMapPixmap class comming ?
[quote author="danilocesar" date="1283382576"]I believe the most great/killer feature of a maps API will be to access it offline...
And, afaik, nokia is the only "big player" capable of build it.[/quote]
Yes, offline access would be a killer feature. Are there any plans
Is it possible to create desktop application ( for windows7) using the maps API ?
I want to create one map application for windows7, which can show maps of variouse cities , calculate route, also I need to get exact co-ordinates for each point in the map.
is it possible using Qt maps api ? or is it like Qtmobility APIs will work only in devices ?