How to make touch screen work on cross-compiled EGLFS application (on RPi3)?
I've set up a Qt cross toolchain for RPi3 following the steps on the guide A modern guide for cross-compiling Qt for HW accelerated OpenGL with eglfs on Raspbian and setting up Qt Creator.
To compile the Qt libraries v5.9.1 with no errors, I needed to skip qtwayland, qtlocation, qtscript and qtwebengine, but it worked. I can compile Qt apps on my laptop and run them on Raspberry Pi.
But there's one thing I couldn't make it work: the touch of my Waveshare 10.1" HDMI LCD.
Since this is a pretty used display on the RPi community, probably someone else had the same problem and was already able to surpass it.
So, if you had the same (or a similar) problem, please share your experiences with me. Any information that can help me to put the touchscreen to work is welcome.
@rrd0 said in How to make touch screen work on cross-compiled EGLFS application (on RPi3)?:
But there's one thing I couldn't make it work: the touch of my Waveshare 10.1" HDMI LCD.
- You mean touch not working with Qt?
- Or not working at all?
- Have you following touch screen calibration steps as described in the manual you mentioned?
The touch is calibrated and works fine with Raspberry Pi. It just doesn't work with cross-compiled Qt apps running on top of EGLFS.