QML app deployment with MSVC
Hello there,
I am trying to deploy my QML application for windows (compiled with MSVC). I usedwindeployqt
to get the initial libs. I then moved the whole deploy dir to a clean Win10 machine and tried to run the app. I was missing some libs so installed the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2015. After that, running the app doesnt show any window. Running it in the command line also doesnt show what is missing. How can I find out what else I am missing? Those are the modules I am using:QT += quick widgets core xml multimedia opcua
I would appreciate all help.
I would assume, as it's a common enough mistake, you did not specify the qmldir path (pointing to your qml files) -
@J.Hilk I have just added the qmldir option, here is the output:
But still no effect... What else could be the case?
@J.Hilk Hi, I have made additional steps required (issued the MSVC enviroment setting command), but still, same effect...
Hi @Bremenpl, I don't know the exact cause of your issue, but try the Quick and Dirty deployment: https://wiki.qt.io/Deploy_an_Application_on_Windows Does it help?
@Bremenpl can you share a screenshot of your deploy folder after windeployqt was run?
@J.Hilk @JKSH Here is my deploy dir:
k:\deploy>dir Volume in drive K is RAMDISK Volume Serial Number is 65E0-0000 Directory of k:\deploy 18.07.2019 09:11 <DIR> . 18.07.2019 09:11 <DIR> .. 18.07.2019 09:11 <DIR> config 17.07.2019 14:04 1 467 392 ntm_client.exe 11.07.2019 09:56 771 584 Qt5OpcUa.dll 13.06.2019 19:08 1 095 288 Qt5QuickTemplates2.dll 13.06.2019 19:07 174 544 Qt5QuickControls2.dll 18.07.2019 09:35 6 016 632 Qt5Core.dll 13.06.2019 07:43 6 443 640 Qt5Gui.dll 13.06.2019 19:07 730 064 Qt5Multimedia.dll 13.06.2019 07:43 1 338 488 Qt5Network.dll 13.06.2019 18:32 4 010 616 Qt5Qml.dll 13.06.2019 18:32 3 814 520 Qt5Quick.dll 13.06.2019 17:56 334 968 Qt5Svg.dll 13.06.2019 07:43 5 574 776 Qt5Widgets.dll 13.06.2019 07:43 196 216 Qt5Xml.dll 13.06.2019 07:43 3 573 880 libGLESV2.dll 13.06.2019 07:43 23 672 libEGL.dll 23.10.2018 03:10 4 493 352 d3dcompiler_47.dll 14.06.2016 14:00 20 923 392 opengl32sw.dll 10.07.2019 14:17 15 354 672 vc_redist.x64.exe 18.07.2019 09:35 <DIR> audio 18.07.2019 09:35 <DIR> bearer 18.07.2019 09:35 <DIR> iconengines 18.07.2019 09:35 <DIR> imageformats 18.07.2019 09:35 <DIR> mediaservice 18.07.2019 09:35 <DIR> platforminputcontexts 18.07.2019 09:35 <DIR> platforms 18.07.2019 09:35 <DIR> playlistformats 18.07.2019 09:35 <DIR> qmltooling 18.07.2019 09:35 <DIR> scenegraph 18.07.2019 09:35 <DIR> styles 18.07.2019 09:35 <DIR> virtualkeyboard 18.07.2019 09:35 <DIR> QtQuick.2 18.07.2019 09:35 <DIR> QtQuick 18.07.2019 09:35 <DIR> QtGraphicalEffects 18.07.2019 09:35 <DIR> QtQml 18.07.2019 09:35 <DIR> translations 18 File(s) 76 337 696 bytes 20 Dir(s) 2 998 173 696 bytes free k:\deploy>
Just FYI, I have just deployed some simple hello world QML app and it works... There has to be missing something from this certain app but I have no clue what.
@JKSH I will try your solution now.
well, nothing missing, from what I can see, at least from the first glance.Seems like somewhere one qml component can not be resolved.
if you replace your main qml file with a simple colored rectangle, does that load ?
How do you load your qml files in the first place, from a qrc file or local path ?
Guys, dirty deployment works... I will now start the
Final deployment (Cleaned up)
steps. Thanks for help. I am a bit dissapointed that it came to this but at least it works :P.