ERROR: Feature 'xcb' was enabled, but the pre-condition 'libs.xcb' failed
Hi There,
i am facing this issue while building Qt Sources version 5.9.7 statically.
i want know why error occurred and how to resolve this issue?i tried to install X11 Requirement then also configured it but still facing the same issue.?
please help with this issue
Thanks in Advance
Did you re-run configure from a clean state ?
Yes, I tried it from the clean state but it doesn't resolve. Gives the same error.!
After deleting the Configuration files and configure again, the error resolved. but i am getting another error while building qt src 5.9.7 on Ubuntu 16.04.
- [module declarative make first] Error 2
Even I have tried to installed the qtdeclarative5-dev and qtdeclarative5-private-dev libraries and build again but give the same errors.
sudo ./configure -prefix $PWD/5.9.7 -release -static -accessibility -qt-zlib -qt-libpng -qt-libjpeg -qt-xcb -qt-pcre -qt-freetype -no-glib -no-cups -no-sql-sqlite -no-opengl -no-egl -no-xinput2 -no-sm -no-icu -nomake examples -nomake tests -skip qtactiveqt -skip qtenginio -skip qtlocation -skip qtmultimedia -skip qtserialport -skip qtquick1 -skip qtquickcontrols -skip qtscript -skip qtsensors -skip qtwebsockets -skip qtxmlpatterns -skip qt3d
- [module declarative make first] Error 2
First thing, don't use sudo, there's no need for that.
Then I would rather do an out of source build with qtbase only and then go on with the rest.
Good !
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