Qtgstreamer : Libraries error
@Chanchan Sorry, it is libqt5gstreamer-dev
Yeah ! i found it ahah but as a "nooby" on this forum I can only post every 600 seconds ^^
So I installed it, I have still the same error with libraries in my code. Should I link something to these libraries I just downloaded or something like this ?
@Chanchan Is it still error when including the header files? Search for that files and see where exactly those are located and whether you're including them correctly (maybe you don't need QGst/ in front of header file).
Yes I can, but each time I just move the problem to the include inside the other header file I had.
For exemple, I added pipeline.h, so yes my code found it, but pipeline.h needs two other header file to works, these also need two or three header files each, etc...
Can I link the entire library without moving all header files ? From the .pro maybe ? With what I'm reading from the documentation it should be possible but I dont found the command for now
@Chanchan I don't know what you mean by "move".
Take a look at INCLUDEPATH in https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qmake-variable-reference.html -
I mean, I solve the problem, but create another from the fact that I added a new header which needed other header files, etc...
Thanks for your link ! In theory that is exactly what I need ! In practical, I added : INCLUDEPATH = /usr/include/Qt5GStreamer/include (Where all my header files are) But I still have the same issu : "No such file or directory".
Did I miss something, using this line ? (I added it in my .pro )
Update at this time, I restart the soft and it does recognize the path to the libraries ! The command "INCLUDEPATH" was the good one :) Thank you verymuch @jsulm :)
Another issue, still with libraries :
#include <QDeclarativeView>
#include <QDeclarativeContext>
#include <QDeclarativeEngine>
Still doesn't work, on forums, people said that we need to add "QT += declarative" for the three first but it doesn't work, and same for the last one -
@Chanchan said in Qtgstreamer : Libraries error:
This is a Qt 4, see here for porting to Qt 5.
Take a look at the QQmlEngine class documentation for example, you have at the top of the page which Qt module contains it.
I update my situation :
I still have 3 errors ( not so bad considering my 23 at the begining ><) :#include <QDeclarativeView> #include <QDeclarativeContext> #include <QdeclaratveEngine>
By Curiosity I searched on my computer files named "QDeclarativexxx" but I only found "libqdeclarativeview.so" located in a qt4 repertory, I dont know this extension and it seems that I dont have libraries refering to Qt declarative.
Basically (I'm the Doctor B-) ) I tried to download libraries throught the promptcommand, but I dont found the good commandline ><
I took a look on the @SGaist link, in the case of QDeclarative view, the change is : QQuickView and Qt+= quick in my .pro, unfortunately it doesn't work. I searched for a QQuickView library, I only found an html file... So I dont know if it is considered as a library or not, so for now that's the point
By the way, thank you for helping me :)
How did you install Qt ?
@SGaist Well, it seems that Qt += Quick and a reboot of my computer was enough to works x) So My libraries works and I can run my code :) Thank you for your precious link !
To answer your last question, to install Qt I used :
sudo apt install build-essential sudo apt install qtcreator sudo apt install qt5-default sudo apt install qt5-doc sudo apt install qt5-doc-html qtbase5-doc-html sudo apt install qtbase5-examples