[Solved]How to change the sub expression of QRegularExpression to lowercase or uppercase?
I want to change the following string from lower case to upper case
string : 5am_006_01_05
regex : (5am)(\d+)
replace : \2\U\1
expected output : 006_5AM_01_05
true output : 006_\U5am_01_05@QString name("5am_006_01_05");
name.replace(QRegularExpression{"(5am)(\d+)"}, "\2\U\1");@Do I miss anything?
I don't know if '\U' is supported in the output string.
The replacement string is created using captured data '\1' '\2' ... in a way similar to how '%1' '%2' ... would be used with .arg(...). The second argument is not a regular expression but a string.
Maybe some method like this might work (didn't try it)
@ -
[quote author="Rondog" date="1422812141"]I don't know if '\U' is supported in the output string.
The replacement string is created using captured data '\1' '\2' ... in a way similar to how '%1' '%2' ... would be used with .arg(...). The second argument is not a regular expression but a string.
Maybe some method like this might work (didn't try it)
[/quote]Thanks, but looks like it cannot work
@QString name("5am_006_01_05");
qDebug()<<name;@actual result : "5am_01_05"
@name = name.replace(QRegular[removed]"(\d+am)(\d+)"), QString("\2\1")).toUpper();@
should do what you need
[quote author="SGaist" date="1423169881"]Hi,
@name = name.replace(QRegular[removed]"(\d+am)(\d+)"), QString("\2\1")).toUpper();@
should do what you need[/quote]
Thanks, but this solution would change the whole words into uppercase
Example :
@QString name{"5am_006_01_05_hhi"};
name = name.replace(QRegularExpression{"(\d+am)(\d+)"},
qDebug()<<name;@The output will become "006_5AM_01_05_HHI"
but the desired result is "006_5AM_01_05_hhi" if \Ucan works -
That's the kind of detail that's good to know.
\U is not implemented@
QString name("5am_006_01_05_hi_hi");
QRegularExpression rx("(\d+am_)(\d+_)(.*)");
QRegularExpressionMatch match = rx.match(name);
name = match.captured(2) + match.captured(1).toUpper() + match.captured(3);
@ -
[quote author="SGaist" date="1423349356"]That's the kind of detail that's good to know.
\U is not implemented@
QString name("5am_006_01_05_hi_hi");
QRegularExpression rx("(\d+am_)(\d+_)(.*)");
QRegularExpressionMatch match = rx.match(name);
name = match.captured(2) + match.captured(1).toUpper() + match.captured(3);
@[/quote]Thanks, this solution works. Since \U is not implemented yet, I could use it as a temporary solution.
PS : check out boost regex, looks like they haven't implemented \U either