Q_PROPERTY error when updated to qt 5.12 and QtCreator 4.7.2
General and Desktop
i had this Q_PropertyQ_PROPERTY(QMap<QString,long long unsigned int> sftpFilesList READ sftpFilesList WRITE setSftpFilesList NOTIFY sftpFilesListChanged)
and this in my main to make it work
qRegisterMetaType<QMap<QString,long long unsigned int>>("QMap<QString,long long unsigned int>");
this was ok with Qt5.11 and qt creator 4.5.2
after i updated to qt 5.12 and QtCreator 4.7.2 project still compil and run but
i have this errors in the ide :Lexical or Preprocessor Issue To many arguments provided to function-like macro invocation
Ho to fiw this please ?
hi @LeLev
if you replace
Q_PROPERTY(QMap<QString,long long unsigned int> sftpFilesList READ sftpFilesList WRITE setSftpFilesList NOTIFY sftpFilesListChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QMap sftpFilesList READ sftpFilesList WRITE setSftpFilesList NOTIFY sftpFilesListChanged)
it should work, I think :-)
It's a guess on my part, but the docu supports me