c1083: cannot open include file: 'stddef.h':No such file or directory
I'm using Qt 5.10.1 and Qt 5.10.1 MSVC2017 64bit qmake.exe has been been Auto-detected as well. and even in toolkit the default is set and no Errors But still facing this error. "c1083: cannot open include file: 'stddef.h':No such file or directory" any insights are appreciated. I'm using VS 2017. Compiler : Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler 15.0(x86_amd64). I'm using 64 bit operating system and WINDDK debugger.
Hi and welcome to devnet,
What kind of project are you trying to build ?
I'm trying to build c++ project
That was clear from the start, the question is: What project are you trying to build ?
ESRI maps. correct me if I'm wrong. I'm pretty new to QT
Is that project available somewhere ?
No. I don't have it anywhere. I can post the screen shots though
Yeah, Microsoft has taken another step forward in complicating their development environment. A couple possibilities:
- try <stddef> instead of <stddef.h> (MS libs)
- make sure your include path contains the "new" location (since VS 2015), which is probably something like C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include.
more MS nonsense - as long as you're checking your path, it wouldn't hurt to double check that the actual file is there, now that MS makes you install this separately from VS.
@mzimmers I get into the same trouble and struggle for a long time,could you mind telling me how to make sure my include path contains the "new" location?I am a new user of Qt,tried to find how to set the include path but get nothing.
@TianHe are you running Windows or Linux (or something else)?
The PATH environment variable is maintained by your operating system, not by Qt.
The first step is to determine whether you have the stddef.h file on your system. If not, you need to get it. If you do, the next step is verify that its location is included in the PATH variable. We can help you more if you provide this information.
I had this exact same issue, installing Windows 10 SDK solved it for me.
@mzimmers Thank you very much for replying me,I slove this problem now.I use Windows7 x64 with VisualStudio2017(Windows10 SDK Ver16299) and Windows Driver Kits for VS2017. It seems that WDK(maybe VS 2017) changes the position of some files,and causes this problem.The solution is to add those to pro-file:
INCLUDEPATH += "C:/Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/10/Include/10.0.16299.0/ucrt"
LIBS += -L"C:/Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/10/Lib/10.0.16299.0/ucrt/x64" -
@John-Foster said in c1083: cannot open include file: 'stddef.h':No such file or directory:
I had this exact same issue, installing Windows 10 SDK solved it for me.
https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/downloads/windows-10-sdkYes, installing Windows 10 SDK was solved the error. Thanks!
I installed a few package only from SDK and it is enough:
This problem has been solved by my colleague's suggestion;
Visual Studio Installer > Game Development with C++ > Optional ; Install different "Window 10 SDK(10.0.22000.0) and so on
after that simple test the 'hello world' program.
Good luck indeed for all this queries finder. -
Just comment the line. It worked for me.