Does anyone know how to generate .exe file for Qt-creator based application.
Once you build your project, in your build folder your exe will get generate. take that exe and keep it in separate folder and copy the required Qt libraries to launch the executable. to know which are all the libraries are required just double click on the exe it will popup a message with needed library name copy that library from Qt installed bin folder and keep those libraries along with the executable . -
On the left pan select "Release" by clicking on the "project" (computer) icon. Then use the "compile" menu to compile it. This will generate what you want. The only tricky thing is the destination. If you did no change, the result directory is at the same levelt than the project directory. I.e. supposes that you have created a directory Toto containing your project files. After the compilation you will also a directory called build-Toto-Desktop_Qt_<version>_... at the same level than Toto, containing the exe file.
For the dependency gathering, it's way simpler to use windeployqt.