qtcreator command not found
No, meaning that the name is different, that's all. You can do exactly the same stuff.
I also thought it looked odd
but then i realized it has spaces and all space are just escaped
so basically it just says ( if "\ " was not needed)
~/Qt/Qt Creator.app/Contents/MacOS/Qt Creator -
The spaces are present, hence my line with them escaped.
Yes he can.
Yes as it just an normal path as i understand it so
if added it should then be able to find "Qt creator"
It seems to be name that and not qtcreator.
It seems to have space in name :)
But go look in folder. should be obvious what name is.
and make sure to add path with spaces as it really has. -
I insists: the spaces must be properly escaped.
The documentation is being updated on that aspect.
@SGaist This is what I do in the bash_profile
export PATH="/Users/yuminsun/Qt/Qt Creator.app/Contents/MacOS/:$PATH"
This works well, previously I write slash in the Path, and therefore it not works, a space bewteen Qt and Creator is enough.