Deployment problems in Windows 8.1[SOLVED]
Hi, ZN10QArrayData10deallocateEPS_jj is a function used by the MinGW compiler but not Visual Studio, so it seems you have a Microsoft flavored Qt5Core.dll in your path :-(
EDIT: to clarify, your Win8.1 is fine, I just tested mixing a MinGW .exe file and Visual Studio Qt .dlls on my Windows XP and got the same error.
To add to hskoglund, are you by any chance copying the Qt dlls from Qt Creator rather than the Qt you used to build your application ?
Thanks for your responses. I wasn't aware there were more than one file with the same name. When I used the other Qt5core.dll the program would run on the Windows 8 PC. However, it would not run on the Windows 7 notebook or a Windows XP laptop. I tried to install Qt 5.4.0 on the notebook and laptop but I received installation errors on both. I still could not get the program that runs fine on Windows 7 to run on Windows 8. I would like to develop programs with Windows 8 and run them on all three OS. Is that possible?
Are you deploying other dlls that are not part of Qt ?
These are the DLLs that I added to the release folder:
ICUIN53.DLLThe program runs on my desktop with Windows 8.1 but not on my laptop with Windows XP. It gives me this error message:
" This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "windows".
Then you're not deploying your application correctly.
See this fine wiki "entry": for more information
Just a quick note: On my end, if I use the "windeploy" command line tool from the Qt installation folder, I don't have to worry about copying the right .dll files. The tool does that automatically. Earlier in 2014, the windeploy tool wasn't working perfectly. But it seems like it is way better.