Basic QSqlite
@Julian here it's the problem
agregar.append( "INSERT INTO semaforos(" "interseccion," "marca," "descripcion," "modelo"")" "VALUES(" "'"+ui->lineEdit_interseccion->text()+"'," "'"+ui->lineEdit_Marca->text()+"'," "'"+ui->lineEdit_modelo->text()+"'" ");" ); QSqlQuery insertar(db); insertar.prepare(agregar);
[edit: added coding tags SGaist]
Please use coding tags. The </> button on far right inserts them for you.
There's likely a space missing between
and you are giving 4 fields to your insert statement but provide only 3 values. -
There's likely a space missing between ) and VALUES
QString agregar; agregar.append( "INSERT INTO semaforos(" "interseccion," "marca," "descripcion," "modelo"") " "VALUES (" "'"+ui->lineEdit_interseccion->text()+"'," "'"+ui->lineEdit_Marca->text()+"'," "'"+ui->lineEdit_modelo->text()+"'" ");" ); QSqlQuery insertar(db); insertar.prepare(agregar);
its' still do not work
as there is id whit autoincrement, I thought it was not necesary. -
From a quick view the spaces now looks correct however you have
in your field list that doesn't match anything in you table at least based on your create statement. -
QString consulta; consulta.append("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS semaforos(" "a VARCHAR(100)," "b VARCHAR(50)," "c VARCHAR(100)" ");"); QSqlQuery crear(db); crear.prepare(consulta); if(crear.exec()) { } else { qDebug()<<"ERROR!"<<crear.lastError(); } }
QString agregar; agregar.append( "INSERT INTO semaforos(" "a," "b," "c"") " "VALUES(" "'"+ui->lineEdit_interseccion->text()+"'," "'"+ui->lineEdit_Marca->text()+"'," "'"+ui->lineEdit_modelo->text()+"'" ");" ); QSqlQuery insertar(db); insertar.prepare(agregar); if(insertar.exec()) { } else { qDebug()<<"wrong..."<<insertar.lastError(); }
and this it's what I get:
wrong... QSqlError("", "Unable to fetch row", "No query")
You should test the value returned by prepare. And also the value returned by QSqlQuery::executedQuery.
One silly question though, did you successfully open the database before calling request on it ?
Well, Thanks both.
I try whit QSqlQuerry::executedQuery() and what Debug return it's : "INSERT INTO semaforos(a,b,c) VALUES('asdf','asdf','asdf');"
and "asdf" are the String which I put on the lineEdits so ¿What happening?
This it's the code:
QString agregar; agregar.append( "INSERT INTO semaforos(" "a," "b," "c"") " "VALUES(" "'"+ui->lineEdit_interseccion->text()+"'," "'"+ui->lineEdit_Marca->text()+"'," "'"+ui->lineEdit_modelo->text()+"'" ");" ); QSqlQuery insertar(db); //where db it's the database insertar.prepare(agregar); if(insertar.exec()) { } else { qDebug()<<insertar.executedQuery(); } }
Now it's working (I do not know why). Let me see what happend.
What did you change in your code (maybe above the part you posted here)?
Thank! it' work now. I did not know what a did, I just fit the code and take care about you said with executedQuery() .
But instead of using names to variables I used letters, so I could corroborate better
herer it's the initialization table.
QString consulta; consulta.append("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS semaforos(" "a VARCHAR(100)," "b VARCHAR(50)," "c VARCHAR(50)," "d VARCHAR(50)," "e VARCHAR(50)," "f VARCHAR(50)," "g VARCHAR(50)," "h VARCHAR(50)," "i VARCHAR(50)," "j VARCHAR(100)" ");"); QSqlQuery crear(db); crear.prepare(consulta); if(crear.exec()) { } else { qDebug()<<"ERROR!"<<crear.lastError(); } }
QString agregar; agregar.append( "INSERT INTO semaforos(" "a," "b," "c," "d," "e," "f," "g," "h," "i," "j"") " "VALUES(" "'"+ui->lineEdit_interseccion->text()+"'," "'"+ui->lineEdit_marca->text()+"'," "'"+ui->lineEdit_caracteristica->text()+"'," "'"+ui->lineEdit_modelo->text()+"'," "'"+ui->lineEdit_tiempo->text()+"'," "'"+ui->lineEdit_peatonal->text()+"'," "'"+ui->lineEdit_tecnologia->text()+"'," "'"+ui->lineEdit_cantidad->text()+"'," "'"+ui->lineEdit_descripcion->text()+"'," "'"+ui->textEdit->toPlainText()+"'" ");" ); QSqlQuery insertar(db); insertar.prepare(agregar); if(insertar.exec()) { } else { qDebug()<<"Error..."<<insertar.executedQuery(); } }
So you have everything working now with your original database ?