Qt-creator msys2 Segmentaion Fault
Qt Creator and other tools
I tried to install qt-creator in the MSYS2 environment. Operating system windows7-32 bits
//first $ pacman -Syuu //second $ pacman -S mingw-w64-i686-qt-creator
when I try to run qt creator using this command
MINGW32 ~ $ qtcreator Segmentation fault
occured "seg fault" error. Does anyone have any suggestions, where they can be the causes of the problem ??
MSYS ~ $ qtcreator -version //qt-creator 4.1.0 based on Qt 5.6.1
asistant.exe //work OK designer.exe //work OK qtcreator.exe //not working !!!
@mateczek Try to start with "-noload Welcome" parameter
@jsulm Thank You for this suggestion.
$ qtcreator -noload Welcome Segmentation fault
This command also generates fault, but I tried
MINGW32 ~ $ qtcreator -noload all -load Core //Start OK
And qt-creator start without error. At the moment i must only find bad plugin
I find bad plugin. it is QmlProfiler!!!! Thanks You very much