Add new row in QTreeView (Using QFileSystemModel to populate TreeView and QSortFilterProxy model to filter folder)
@Lifetime-Qt-Champion @Moderators @Qt-Champions-2015
Hello,I am using a QFileSystemModel to populate QTreeView and QSortFilterProxyModel to filter folder so that QTreeView show only specific directory. Now I want to add a new row pointing another folder in my QTreeView.
class MyProxy : public QSortFilterProxyModel { Q_OBJECT ------------------- };
#include "myproxy.h" MyProxy::MyProxy() { } bool MyProxy::filterAcceptsRow(int source_row, const QModelIndex &source_parent) const { //filter folders }
#include "myproxy.h" ................ button=new QPushButton; button->setText("Click"); connect(button,SIGNAL(clicked(bool)),this,SLOT(work())); dir=new QFileSystemModel; messagesTableWidget=new QTreeView; model=new MyProxy; void MainWindow::work() { QString folderpath = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this, tr("Open Directory"), "/home", QFileDialog::ShowDirsOnly | QFileDialog::DontResolveSymlinks); QDir* direct = new QDir(folderpath); direct->setPath(folderpath); direct->cdUp(); dir->setRootPath(direc->path()); dir->setFilter(QDir::NoDotAndDotDot |QDir::AllDirs); model->setSourceModel(dir); messagesTableWidget->setModel(model); messagesTableWidget->setRootIndex(model->mapFromSource(dir->index(direc->path()))); }
So I am using a QFileDialog to select a folder and QDir::cdUp() for parent folder. Now I am using proxy model to filter my folder.
Finally my treeview shows root folder. Now I want to add a row showing another folder in my Qtreeview.
Any Suggestions?
Thanks -
Apply the same filter you are using for your single folder version except that this time rather than using a QString you should keep a QStringList of the folders you want to show and use that.