QSqlDatabase error
General and Desktop
I'm trying to run digiKam using MySQL DB. But it provides me the following error:
QSqlDatabase: available drivers: QSQLITE QMYSQL QMYSQL3 QSqlDatabase: driver not loaded
Could anyone please help to fix this?
Most probably you have not compiled the MySQL Qt driver. Please see this splendid guide by mattewre: link
Hi and welcome to devnet,
On what OS are you running digiKam ?
Did you build digiKam yourself ?
With which version of Qt ?
Okay, so what you are likely experimenting is that you have a version of MySQL different than the one used to build the plugin. Currently you likely have the version 18 of the client library and the module was built with 16.
Now you have two options:
- Rebuild the plugin for your 5.6
- Use your distribution Qt 5 to build digiKam
- See the link I posted in my first reply to you - contains detailed instructions.
- Install dev packages of Qt (in *buntu 15.10 I think they were named qt5-qmake-dev, but might be something else, they keep changing the package names :-/), then compile DigiKam using system Qt (qmake will be in PATH).