QStandardItemModel appendRow doesn't update QML TreeView
In the addRootEntry (and later in the addChildEntry where it should add a child to a given QStandardItem) in reaction to a button press.
auto rootEntry = new QStandardItem( name ); rootEntry->setData( icon, ProjectTreeModel_Role_Icon ); rootEntry->setData( type, ProjectTreeModel_Role_Type ); rootEntry->setData( name, ProjectTreeModel_Role_Name ); invisibleRootItem()->appendRow(rootEntry);
This is what it does.
Do I need to tell my view somehow that the model got updated?
I'd emit dataChanged with the new index passing your custom roles.
I added emit dataChanged(QModelIndex(), QModelIndex(), roles); after my appendRow, which should update the whole view(?), but it still doesn't work.
This is my whole class right now, in case that helps:
ProjectTreeModel::ProjectTreeModel(QObject *parent) : QStandardItemModel(parent) { m_roleNameMapping[ProjectTreeModel_Role_Name] = "name_role"; m_roleNameMapping[ProjectTreeModel_Role_Type] = "type_role"; m_roleNameMapping[ProjectTreeModel_Role_Icon] = "icon_role"; } void ProjectTreeModel::addRootEntry( const QString& name, const QString& type, const QString& icon) { auto rootEntry = new QStandardItem( name ); rootEntry->setData( icon, ProjectTreeModel_Role_Icon ); rootEntry->setData( type, ProjectTreeModel_Role_Type ); rootEntry->setData( name, ProjectTreeModel_Role_Name ); invisibleRootItem()->appendRow(rootEntry); qDebug() << rootEntry; qDebug() << this->rowCount(); QVector<int> vector(0); vector.append(ProjectTreeModel_Role_Icon); vector.append(ProjectTreeModel_Role_Type); vector.append(ProjectTreeModel_Role_Name); emit dataChanged(QModelIndex(), QModelIndex(), vector); } QHash<int, QByteArray> ProjectTreeModel::roleNames() const { return m_roleNameMapping; }
AFAIK, no. You are passing two invalid indexes. If you want to trigger a refresh, give the top left and bottom right indexes of the part of the model that should get refreshed on the view.
Okay, tried it with emit dataChanged(invisibleRootItem()->index(), rootEntry->index(), vector); which should work, but it doesn't.
Or at least I think that should update everything from the root item to the newly created entry.
How are you adding that new row outside the constructor ?
With the appendRow() method (on the invisible root item) as mentioned earlier.
I meant, where are you calling appendRow ?
In a function that is called in response to a button click. (that function calls addRootItem multiple times)
That doesn't seem to work either.
Does anyone know of some piece of sample code for a dynamic model with Qt Quick and QStandardItemModel where you can add rows and edit items after the construction?
Oh, Damnit. I had a ProjectTreeViewModel { id:projecttreeviewmodel } in my UI components and used that instead of my treeviewmodel added as a context property.
Sneaky one !
Glad you found out :)