Cant get Qtextedit from new tabs.
I am having problems getting child objects when I add a new tab. When getting QTextEdit from the ones made in designer it works correctly. What I am trying to do is create a new tab and access the QTextEdit . The problem I see is when creating the QTextEdit in code then adding it in a new tab, it isn't being created. Instead I see QWidget with a scroll area being added. In the program, the widgets look correct but there isn't a QTextEdit widget that can be accessed.
void App::on_actionNew_triggered() { QTextEdit* pTextEdit = new QTextEdit; QString tabTitle = "Untitled" + QString::number(ui->tabWidget->count() + 1); ui->tabWidget->addTab(pTextEdit, tabTitle); ui->tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(ui->tabWidget->count() - 1); pTextEdit->setObjectName("textEdit_" + QString::number(ui->tabWidget->count() + 1)); pTextEdit->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOn); pTextEdit->setFontPointSize(11); pTextEdit->setFocus(); QList<QWidget*> te = ui->tabWidget->widget(ui->tabWidget->currentIndex())->findChildren<QWidget*>(); qDebug() << "New : " << ui->tabWidget->widget(ui->tabWidget->currentIndex())->children(); qDebug() << "From Designer: " << ui->tabWidget->widget(0)->children(); }
the debug
New : (QWidget(0x155607a8, name = "qt_scrollarea_viewport"), QWidget(0x18cd8d30, name = "qt_scrollarea_hcontainer"), QWidgetTextControl(0x1552cb40), QWidget(0x18cd8ee0, name = "qt_scrollarea_vcontainer")) From Designer: (QVBoxLayout(0x154dd8f0, name = "verticalLayout_3"), QTextEdit(0x154dc8b0, name = "textEdit_Document")) (QWidget(0x155607a8, name="qt_scrollarea_viewport"), QWidget(0x18cd8d30, name="qt_scrollarea_hcontainer"), QScrollBar(0x155606e8), QWidget(0x18cd8ee0, name="qt_scrollarea_vcontainer"), QScrollBar(0x155608e8))
Hi and welcome to devnet,
If you want to get the only QTextEdit then search for them directly rather than for QWidget.
hi and welcome
I made a default project and used your code with a button
and it adds a new tab with a working text edit ?if i list the textedits, i see the new ones
QList<QTextEdit*> te = ui->tabWidget->findChildren<QTextEdit*>(); foreach (auto t, te) { qDebug() << t->objectName(); }
So, when creating a new tab with tabwidget.addTab(new QTextEdit, "Name") it parents it to a QstackedWidget. In designeer they are parented to a QWidget Tab.
So what I need to figure out is how to access the QTextEdits that is in a tab. Each tab has a single QTextEdit widget in it. (Something like how tabs are in word.) I have combo boxes and actions that will need to change the selected text. Below is example code:void App::on_actionNew_triggered() { QTextEdit* pTextEdit = new QTextEdit; QString tabTitle = "Untitled" + QString::number(ui->tabWidget->count() + 1); ui->tabWidget->addTab(pTextEdit, tabTitle); ui->tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(ui->tabWidget->count() - 1); pTextEdit->setObjectName("textEdit_" + QString::number(ui->tabWidget->count() + 1)); } void App::on_comboBox_FontFamily_currentTextChanged(const QString &arg1) { if (fontDataBase.hasFamily(ui->comboBox_FontFamily->currentText())) { // Get current tab and find textEdit child. QTextEdit* curTextEdit = NULL; QWidget* pWidget = ui->tabWidget->widget(ui->tabWidget->currentIndex()); QList<QTextEdit*> allTextEdits = pWidget->findChildren<QTextEdit*>(); if (allTextEdits.count() < 1) { return; } curTextEdit = allTextEdits[0]; // Set selected text to Fontfamily. QTextCursor cursor = curTextEdit->textCursor(); QTextCharFormat format = cursor.charFormat(); format.setFontFamily(ui->comboBox_FontFamily->currentText()); cursor.setCharFormat(format); } }
This will work for tabs created in designer but not for tabs created by code.
Since your QTextEdit is the widget that you put in the tab why not just use:
QTextEdit *textEdit = qobject_cast<QTextEdit *>(ui->tabWidget->currentWidget());
Thinks for helping. The problem with this, is that it gets the new tabs but not the one created in designer. I guess a work around would just create all tabs through code only. What I manage to do is store the widgets in a struct Qlist for each appropriate tab. Your solution would be more optimal than what I came up with.
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