Installing and setting up for use with cloud 9 ide
I am looking for help setting up qt 5.5 with cloud 9 ide. It provides a VM with ubuntu and I tried installing the framework with
wget, chmod +x, ./
but I ended up with error:
QXcbConnection: Could not connect to display
AbortedIn any event, I imagine the error is just being caused because I am installing it in a VM, but I don't know how to complete the install or how to set it up for the cloud 9 environment once its installed.
Any help would be appreciated.
Hi and welcome to devnet,
A VM is not a problem, you can install and do Qt 5 development on e.g. VirtualBox, VMWare or Parallels without any problem.
However, it's not sure that Cloud9 provides an X server which is needed to use the xcb plugin.
You should check with the Cloud9 people about that.