Smooth automatic scrolling in QScrollArea (or something else?)
I'm quite new to QT and have a problem with a QScrollArea animation:
I want the content of the QScrollArea smoothly scroll down automatically over several seconds.
For now I tried this by using a QTimer that calls ensureVisibility(0, top, 0, 0) every few milliseconds (15-30) and increases the top-value by 1 or 2 Pixels per call.Inside the QScrollArea I want to display a "table-like" structure. The only use of this program is to present the displayed information.
When using my "solution" (its more like a first attempt) the CPU usage is about 20% on my Laptop - but it works
Because I want this to run on a Raspberry-Pi, my program has massive lags.While still having problems with getting QT5 with EGL on my Raspberry Pi, the application opens with linuxfb or in x-server - but instead of scrolling the screen in about 15 seconds you have to wait a minute to see it move about 2 pixels.
The full test code is available here:
What can I do to reduce the CPU usage and/or make it run smoothly?
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Since it's tabular data, why not use a QTableView ?
By the way it's Qt, QT stands for Apple QuickTime.
The rendering part of the QTableView is optimized for that kind of data. After a quick look at your code, it seems you are generating lots of widgets to show your data, here you would only have one.