I try to get an executable file for my program. I right click on my project and click on "Run qmake". The bar turns green! What happens next? Where is my executable file? Have read a lot about qmake but cant get it to work.
I also tried running qmake from the command line, but then I got this error:
'qmake' is not recognized as an internal or external command operable program or batch file.What does this mean?
Running qmake just sets things up, then you need to build your application which will be found in the build dir.
Looks like you are using Qt Creator, then just click on the green arrow, it will start the build and launch your program if everything went fine.
It means that qmake can't be found anywhere in your PATH (I guess you are using windows) and it's normal unless you opened a Qt preconfigured command line.
Thanks for the reply!
I get one exe file in the build dir, but it doesnt have the name i targeted. Also it says that it was created 16.06.2014, which i guess would be wrong. It would have been created today right? Or is that just because I started my project back in June, and that the exe file updates?
Anyways, even though the exe file does not have the name I targeted, when I click on it, I get an error saying:
"The program cant start because Qt5Core.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem."
But I know that the Qt5Core.dll is on my computer.
What to do?
If you click on it (I guess from explorer) then the same rules as deployment applies
Could you explain further? I really didn't get that last reply
Qt Creator set the environment up for you in order to run your application with the Qt version you are using to build.
When starting your application from explorer, you don't have that setup done. Thus you have to do the same things as if you were deploying your application on a computer without Qt.