Can't get OpenSSL to run on Windows (same code works fine on Linux)
I already built this app for Linux and it's been working great for months. I use the OpenSSL libraries only for encryption/decryption. I created a .pro file for the Windows version, which has all the Windows config, paths, etc. But, it uses the same source files.
The latest Qt version is 5.2.1 which is only one rev from what I'm using. The reason I chose 5.1.1 was because that what the Linux app was built from.
It's just not seeing the compiled code for OpenSSL.
Oh wait, I might have misunderstood you. Are you calling OpenSSL functions directly in your code ?
[quote author="SGaist" date="1398287845"]Oh wait, I might have misunderstood you. Are you calling OpenSSL functions directly in your code ?[/quote]
AFAIK he is, see the initial post.
[quote author="sierdzio" date="1398322738"][quote author="SGaist" date="1398287845"]Oh wait, I might have misunderstood you. Are you calling OpenSSL functions directly in your code ?[/quote]
AFAIK he is, see the initial post.[/quote]
Indeed, then the most likely problem is that the downloaded OpenSSL wasn't built with MinGW 64
@SGaist Thanks for the reply. I got OpenSSL from It doesn't say what was used to build it, but I'm assuming it wasn't mingw.
So, I downloaded a mingw64 build of OpenSSL from
The first problem is that there is no libeay.dll in this distribution and my app won't compile without it. I don't know where to get it or where it goes; there is no lib directory in my new OpenSSL directory, which is where libeay.dll usually lives.
Secondly, when I try to run the following perl script in the MINGW32:~ shell
perl Configure mingw -no-share -no-asm --prefix=/C/openssl-1.0.1g
I get the error "Can't open perl script "Configure": No such file or directory.
I found some folks online with the same error as above, but their solutions didn't apply or didn't work for me.
I thought I could just include the new OpenSSL in my qt app and let Qt Creator compile the SSL stuff, but without libeay.dll, I'm dead in the water.
Is it a static build of OpenSSL ?
I want it to be, otherwise I'd have to install OpenSSL on all the machines it will run on. At this point, I'd be happy with any build that works.
You wouldn't need to install OpenSSL on every machine, just deploy the dlls with your application.
Just stumble upon "this": might help
Yeah, I've looked at that page many times. sierdzio included that link in this forum earlier. I cannot get those scripts to run (see previous posts).
I also tried running them in a mingw32:~ shell unsuccessfully (error = "Can't open perl script "Configure": No such file or directory). I also tried configure and ./configure and ./Configure, no dice.
Just to rule out the obvious, do you have perl installed ?
Yup. I installed Active Perl also and tried that. Changed paths,etc. It seems to run perl; it just doesn't know what configure is.
Just thought of something when reading your configure.exe line.
Since it can't find configure, are you building from the sources ?
If not, then it's the first thing to get. Next what you need to add to the configure line is:
@./configure.exe -openssl-linked -I C:\OpenSSL-Win32\include -L C:\OpenSSL-Win32\lib@