[qt + irrKlang.dll] problem with linking external library
I'm linking library irrKlang avaliable there: http://www.ambiera.com​/irrklang/downloads.html (ver 1.4.0b)
I'm using compiler: msvc2010 and qt Creator 4.8.1The .rar package provides few files with different extensions (.def, .a, .lib, .dll).
I linked *.h file, and in .pro file I added line:
LIBS += "...\irrKlang.lib"Program is compiling, but when I try to execute any function from irrKlang lib, program stops with error code:
-1073741511Code: C++
irrklang::ISoundEngine * engine;
engine = irrklang::createIrrKlangDevice();With commented second line program compiles and works stable.
What could be a reason of that strange behaviour?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions. -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
This error means a dll can't be found. Either ensure that irrKlang.dll can be found in your PATH or copy it beside your executable.