[SOLVED] QtLocation support for ios
is the QtLocation addon supposed to work under ios ?
i got the module from git ( git clone git://gitorious.org/qt/qtlocation.git )
and then try to build it:
@~/Qt5.2.0/5.2.0-beta1/ios_armv7/bin/qmake .
Checking for geoclue... no
Checking for geoclue-satellite... no
Checking for gypsy... no@which doesn't look promissing..
make and make install does a lot of work without trowing an error though..
my application compiles but when i run it on the iphone@qDebug() << QGeoPositionInfoSource::availableSources();@
returns: ()
returns NULLis there something i'm missing ?
or is it just not supported on ios ? -
[quote author="clogwog" date="1383524305"]
is there something i'm missing ?
or is it just not supported on ios ? [/quote]
not yet supported, not even on Android which port is even more mature than the iOS port.
QtLocation support is planned for Qt 5.3 in Adnroid, so i wouldn't expect it before in iOS either. -
thank you. makes my search a lot easier.
i'll see if i can link to an objectiveC library instead.
It will be in Qt 5.2.0 for iOS. Just busy getting through the review process at the moment...
that is good news.
is it available in the add-on module from a development branch ? i'd be happy to beta test. -
@git branch -a
- dev
remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/dev
so it looks like i'm already using the development branch. @CuteiOS what branch can i look at for the latest ?
- dev
It's stuck in review because of test failures on OSX (it's an iOS/OSX plugin). You can test it from here:
looks like:
@~/Qt5.2.0/5.2.0-beta1/ios_armv7/bin/qmake .
Checking for geoclue... no
Checking for geoclue-satellite... no
Checking for gypsy... no@is expected output for ios since it is using a plugin called corelocation
so QGeoPositionInfoSource::availableSources() should at least return
["corelocation"]however it does not, not even with the changes applied.