[Solved] How can i run Qt and nokia web tool aplication on N950 (meego) developer Edition.
I have a new Nokia N950 meego developer edition device , i want to delploy my existing Qt and nokia web tool application on that device plz guide me.if any know about any tutorial for the development for meago devices using Qt Crator platform please mention.
Try the "meego" tag on the right of your screen and you will find a lot of information to start with.
Also, have you looked in the Qt Creator manual? I'm pretty sure there is an intro there.
Thanks, Eddy but simply i want to know how can i install .sis file on meago device on duoble clicking the application is not installing through ovi suite.i m using window xp, i am very new for linux based system.
The N950 doesn't use .sis files. Those are for Symbian devices, which the N950 is not. If you're trying to deploy an app that you had previously compiled and built for a Symbian phone, it won't work. You'll have to rebuild and repackage it for the new device.
Thanks mlong, one more thing is in my n950 developer edition devices there is no File-manager in menu list.Is there any way to install File-manger on device? if yes plz tell me the url to download the file-manager's installation file.
[quote author="DanSiddiqui" date="1315202659"]Thanks mlong, one more thing is in my n950 developer edition devices there is no File-manager in menu list.Is there any way to install File-manger on device? if yes plz tell me the url to download the file-manager's installation file. [/quote]
I answered on the other thread you opened with the same topic.
Be sure and mark this thread [Solved]
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