trying to access children property from a function defined in .js file
QML and Qt Quick
hi guys
I have a function in .js file. I am invoking that function on mouse click event and trying to change color of rectangle.
.js function
function check(iCompID) { console.log("--------->"+iCompID) parentID.children[iCompID].color="RED" }
Rectangle { property string parentID: "mainrow" id:ventgrp width:800 height:100 color:"lightGray" anchors.bottom: parent.bottom Row {id:mainrow anchors.fill:parent } Component.onCompleted: { console.log("ventgrp created"); ComponentCreator.createComponent(); } }
import QtQuick 2.0 import "qrc:/controller.js" as MoreSettingsCreation Rectangle {id:ventbtn width:200 height:100 color:"DarkGray" //anchors.left: parent.left border.color:"black" property int iCompID:0; Rectangle { id:vbutton height:40 width:100 anchors.centerIn: parent color:"lightgray" Text {anchors.centerIn: parent id:vbuttontext text: qsTr("Vent Mode") } MouseArea { anchors.fill:parent onClicked:{MoreSettingsCreation.createMoreSettingComp(); MoreSettingsCreation.check(iCompID); } } } }
qrc:/controller.js:102: TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined code 0
problem is here it seems
what is the problem ?
@ashajg Hi! I could see you have declared 'parentID' as string and trying to access it as QObject. Component id's are not string.
Changing to the following, should work for you
property string parentID: "mainrow" --- > property alias parentID: mainrow