How to add header and footer to an image?
Hi all,
Currently I am working on printing a screenshot of a screen and I have managed to do that. What I need now is to add header and footer to printed image. Header and footer would be rectangle object with text.
I have created a QGraphicScene object and I have added pixmap to that scene. On top of that pixmap I need to add header object with text and border and on the bottom I need to add footer with a text and a border.
What would be the best way of doing this?
@Yunus said in How to add header and footer to an image?:
@Zgembo Hi. Did you see this example? This was helpful for me before about qraphicscene. I didnt look at carefully but I believe your answer is in it.
Thank you, but I do not see it in there.
What you need to do is add the graphics items for the header and footer above and below the bitmap in the scene.
Like text or text inside rectangles.
Easiest way would be to add the header text first, then the pixmap below that and the footer text below that.
You must manage the coordinates and sizes of the graphics items yourself. -
I am trying to prepare central graph in a way that it has rectangle border around pixmap.
// page size in pixels
QSizeF pageSize = printer.pageRect().size();//this is the original widget screenshot QPixmap *screenshot = new QPixmap(printWidget->getMainPlot()->toPixmap()); //here we crop original pixmap to selected paper size based on selected paper size QPixmap *croppedScreenShot = new QPixmap(screenshot->copy(0, 0, pageSize.width(), pageSize.height())); //draw border around screenshot QPainter *paintScreenShot = new QPainter(croppedScreenShot); paintScreenShot->setPen(*(new QColor(Qt::black))); paintScreenShot->drawRect(0, 0, croppedScreenShot->width(), croppedScreenShot->height()); //end border
But my croppedScreenShot only has top and left border. Right and button borders are not drawn.
I don't see any QGraphicsScene in you code??
Anyways, if you know how big you want the header text to be just add it to the scene first.
You will know the height of the text you want to draw so just put the bitmap item below that.
Then, you know the height of your pixmap so add the footer text below that.
Sorry i don't have and sample code for this but it is just simple graphics items stuff. I am sure you can figure it out :-) -
I am trying to construct footer pixmap which needs to have some wrapped text.
QPixmap *foterPixmap = new QPixmap(pageSize.width(), 60);
QPainter foterPainter = new QPainter(foterPixmap);
foterPainter->setPen((new QColor(Qt::black)));
foterPainter->drawRect(0, 0, foterPixmap->width() - 1, foterPixmap->height() - 1);
QString foterText = "Comment: " + getComment();
QRect boundingRect = foterPixmap->rect();
foterPainter->drawText(foterPixmap->rect(), Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignTop|QTextOption::WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere,foterText, &boundingRect);Whatever I do the "foterText" is not wrapper. What am I missing here?