OpenGL problems
I have OpenGL 2.1 on my computer.
When you run Qt, QmlDesiner and QmlProfiler do not start.
I get the error: Could not create OpenGL context
How to fix it? -
What platform
What Qt version
What is your graphics card ? -
Windows 7
Qt 5.12
Radeon Xpress 1150 -
Try to update the gfx driver.
Seems Qt is not able to go accelerated. -
I installed all graphics card drivers.
What is the minimum OpenGL for QT to work? -
seems to be 2.1 you test with anything else than Qt if openGL works?
Well, it does look ok number wise.
Is catalyst 8.5 really the newest you can get ?
(from 2008) -
Yes, this is the newest driver (from 2010).
Is the Radeon Xpress 1150 the only graphics card there is?
i mean laptop do not have other one?For some reason Qt do not like the openGL, it seems.
Do you need to use QML ?
The video card is the only one.
Yes, me need to use QML. -
Please see here
Use ATI Radeon Xpress 1150 Graphics on Windows 7
says "Moral of the story: DO NOT install version 8.593.100.0 !!!"
which might be the version you have ?I would try an older driver like mentioned in the article.
But the test shows that the driver is working fine.
Surely other tests will show that the driver is working.
The point does not seem to be in the driver. -
Did you try to run a game or anything that needs good
acceleration?It seems Qt (QML) cannot create a context so something is not
working as expected. -
I did not run the games.
But what then are the minimum requirements for Qt? -
Well, link says openGL 2.1 but is a bit vague on shader model and extensions needs.
At work i had a laptop with intel 4000 HD gfx and even it listed correct openGL version
QML would still not work.
Just to be sure. You just use the laptops screen, no external screen via USB or anything like that? -
Yes, I can just use the laptop screen, so it works. But usually I additionally connect another monitor.
Maybe you need to configure QT?
Or instal emulator newer OpenGL? -
Well i had issue with a DisplayLink device as it would prevent
anything accelerated so thats why im asking.In any case, i wish you would try to run something game-like and
if that can run , open bug report. -
I tried to run the game.
STALKER 3 started up and worked fine.