Calling a function in one qml file which is defined in another qml file.
I have my function called
inside my button.qml file.
And i want to call this function inside another qml file called Control.qml.
Here is the code present in my Control.qml file.
ActionButton {
id: secondContractionButton
iconSource: Theme.icons.secondContractioncheckable: true checked: contractionModel ? contractionModel.contractionCount === 2 : false visible: contractionModel ? contractionModel.supportedContractionCount === 2 : false color: checked ? Theme.palette.success : Theme.palette.button onCheckedChanged: { if(contractionModel) { if (checked) { if(contractionModel.contractionCount !== 2) contractionModel.contractionCount = 2;
Button.secondContractionButtonEndPoints(); } else { if(contractionModel.contractionCount !== 1) contractionModel.contractionCount = 1; } } } }
But when i run the code, it is giving following error called ReferenceError: Button is not defined. How can i call a function defined in another qml file into this qml file.
Yes, found a way.
Here is the solution.
Control.qml file
signal secondContractionButtonClicked() ActionButton { id: secondContractionButton iconSource: Theme.icons.secondContraction checkable: true checked: contractionModel ? contractionModel.contractionCount === 2 : false visible: contractionModel ? contractionModel.supportedContractionCount === 2 : false color: checked ? Theme.palette.success : Theme.palette.button onCheckedChanged: { if(contractionModel) { if (checked) { if(contractionModel.contractionCount !== 2) contractionModel.contractionCount = 2; secondContractionButtonClicked(); } else { if(contractionModel.contractionCount !== 1) contractionModel.contractionCount = 1; } } } }
Inside my Button.qml file
Connections{ target: contractionPlayer onSecondContractionButtonClicked:{ secondContractionButtonEndPoints(); } } function secondContractionButtonEndPoints() { ..........some stuff }
Hi @JennyAug13 ,
You can't do this,
if you want to call a function that is defined in a qml component you have to create/instanciate the Component
note : please don't use Button.qml as component name, because in qml there is already a type called Button
Item{ function secondContractionButtonEndPoints(){ console.log("function called") } }
//main.qml MyFunctionButton{ id:btn } ... Component.onCompleted : btn.secondContractionButtonEndPoints()
You also have possibility to create your function in javascript file and import it to use the functions :
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