QWebEngineView - Disable auto word-wrap of tooltip (title)
General and Desktop
I've noticed that the text of tooltip is auto wrapped in
. I tried to modify CSS so as to disable the word-wrap, but it doesn't work. On Chrome I don't have this problem.
Here's some screenshots :
QWebEngineView :
Chrome :
I'm using
to display a local Html file.Is there a way to fix this ?
This is the Html:
<div id="fullSc" class="tBB" title="FullScreen (Alt + F11)" onclick="fullSc(this);"><span></span></div>
And here's the CSS :
.tBB { width:32px; height:32px; color:#fff; font-size:18pt; font-family: IconFont; cursor:pointer; white-space:pre; // I tried this because it works with QTooltip (rich text) // even if it will affect the div content only, and not its tooltip } .tBB:hover{ color:#42AECC; transition: .5s; }