Making Excel library - fail to run qmake
I know that many of the tools and libraries are meant for people with a lot more knowledge that i have. I don't think i have ever been able to use a library with out struggling for days.
I'm trying to install a excel library QtXlsxWriter (i'm just trying to read an excel file, i don't know if this library will be able to do that but i'm testing), the instruccions are very simple:
1- download in the directory.
2- run qmake.
3- run make.
4-run make install.
The writer of the instructions proudly announce that the "The library, the header files, and others will be installed to your system"so i got shutdown at step 2, could not find qmake. Try to call it via: $ C:/Qt/5.12.0/mingw73_64/bin/qmake.exe but got an error that could not run compiler g++. May have forgot to set up the environment?
Thanks for the help,
It is telling you that qmake not found. Did you install Qt ? Whic version have you installed ? Are you able to run any qt programs?
Where did you download the library from?
That library uses Qt internals so it's prone to breaking the build often.- is broken and unmaintained.
- is unmantained but at least it compiles
@dheerendra I installed the last version 5.12. Yes i can compile and run programs.
If you are able to run the qt program, can you open the file in Qt Creator and try to compile.
Do you have multiple versions of Qt on your system ?
@Dan3460 said in Making Excel library - fail to run qmake:
i cannot run qmake from the command prompt
If you are on windows, you need to run from your command prompt qtenv2.bat that you find in the Qt bin folder
is there another library that i could use to read parts of an excel file?
@dheerendra No only one 5.12.
I tried to compile from QT creator, stopped right away with: :-1: error: [Makefile:34: sub-xlsx-qmake_all] Error 3
@VRonin I will try the bat command. In the Wiki is where i fund this library. I need to read Xlsx files, so some of the other libraries are out. The other one Libxl is commercial and is just too expensive for what i want to do.
Thanks for the help