QT Creator (4.0.3) (QT 5.6.3) compiler missing (System Configuration: Windows 7, Visual C++ Build tools 2015)
I have installed QT 5.6.3 on Windows 7 system with Visual C++ Build tools 2015 installed. But on starting QT, It fails to detect any compilers in the system. Please suggest me on how should the compiler be configured into it. Do let me know, if you need anything. Thanks!!
Hi and welcome to devnet forum
Do you have the compiler installed separately?
Qt online installer cannot automatically install the required MS compiler because of licensing issues. You need to download the matching MSVC community version directly from MS page.However, the Qt version you have downloaded and installed is rather old, we got allmost ready to switch to Qt 5.12.
If there is no particular reason to have Qt5.6.2 installed and require a MS compiler, you can also install a newer Qt versiopn pre-built with MinGW compiler. This can be installed directly with Qt online installer. Up to Qt5.11.2 this would be a 32 bit install.
However, there is already Qt5.12.0 as beta available. The pre-built is based on MinGW 64 bit compiler. -
@koahnig Thank you for your time. :)
Yes, I have space constraints on my system due to which I am sticking to QT 5.6.3. I had previously installed the Visual C++ Build tools from Microsoft community instead of installing the complete Visual studio 2015 (Again Short of Memory).
QT MinGW version has some issues with WMI queries which is a part of my code and so it doesn't work for me. Hope it helps! -
@qwerty1234 You can manually add your compiler: https://doc.qt.io/qtcreator/creator-tool-chains.html