cppreference qch files in Qt-Creator 4.7.x
I downloaded the files from this https://en.cppreference.com/w/Cppreference:Archives page. But they are not displayed correctly in QT-Creator 4.7. Do you know this problem? What can I do about it?
With a quick search I found QTCREATORBUG-21062 and QTCREATORBUG-18779
Does one of those look related? If I don't forget, I'll check tomorrow on work (but there I have an older version of the mentioned help file)
Thanks for your fast search and answers.
But no, it looks different. Realy like a html page without css files loaded. I also tryed to use older qch files from the cppreference page, but its the same, in 4.6.1, 4.7.0 and 4.7.1. The original QT-Help deliverd with the QT-Creator looks good.
Is it possible to upload a picture here? -
And for reference, the bugreport: QTCREATORBUG-21199 which turned out to be a duplicate of QTCREATORBUG-15887