QML FolderListModel + TreeView !== tree view
not sure if bug or me being stupid...
when i go to https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qml-qtquick-controls-treeview.html and look at the example screenshot
i see a tree view, with expanding folders. cool, exactly what i want!then i try to use that with https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qml-qt-labs-folderlistmodel-folderlistmodel.htm
:import QtQuick.Controls 1.4 import Qt.labs.folderlistmodel 2.11 TreeView { width: 300 height: 300 model: dirModel TableViewColumn { role: "fileName" } FolderListModel { id: dirModel folder: "/etc" } }
but instead the suggested view from the example screenshot, i get:
qmlscene test.qml
- where are those folder triangle icons from the screenshot?! (eg. X11 is a dir)
- nothing happens when i click a folder!?
qml test.qml
- why is here no entries at all?
am i doing something wrong?
bug(s)?tested with qt5-declarative 5.11.1 on linux.
ps. FWIW, this is in virtualbox, and i do get following uncritical? errors on launch:
libGL error: pci id for fd 12: 80ee:beef, driver (null) libGL error: No driver found libGL error: failed to load driver: (null)
Hi, please be aware that so-called
is typically aListModel
, it's a linear model and be suitable to make use withListView
object mention in the example is not an instance ofFolderListModel
as you assume.As far as I know, there's no pure QML way to get full functionality of
, you have to make your own model as the document ofTreeView
mentioned:Data for each row in the
is provided by the model.TreeView
accepts models derived from theQAbstractItemModel
class.HOWTO: Simple Tree Model
ah! so was my mistake to assume that "Folder" in name suggested a tree. and i should have seen the List in FolderListModel :/
thank you very much for your explanation!
ps. so what i need is a FolderTreeModel, and as i dont have fun in cross-compiling nor c++, ill try again when such qml type exists in qt ;)