QML ComboBox doesn't add text from its dropdown list to the text area
I have the following code which displays its dropdown list from a db. When I choose an item from the list the text is highlighted for a moment, the dropdown closes but the chosen text is not copied to the text area.
The code:import QtQuick 2.9 import QtQuick 2.0 import VPlayApps 1.0 import QtQuick.Controls 1.4 import QtQuick.Controls 2.2 import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3 import QtQuick.LocalStorage 2.0 import QtQml.Models 2.3 import "Database.js" as JS import "Dropboxes.js" as DB App { Rectangle { id: root color: "#a1d9ea" anchors.fill: parent focus: false Text { id: title text: "Combobox" font.pixelSize: 25 anchors.horizontalCenter: root.horizontalCenter anchors.top: root.top anchors.topMargin: 30 } ComboBox { id: whatCombo anchors.horizontalCenter: title.horizontalCenter anchors.top: title.bottom anchors.topMargin: 30 editable: true textRole: "text" height: 50 width: 230 model: ListModel { id: listModel } delegate: ItemDelegate { width: whatCombo.width height: whatCombo.height text: model.what font.pixelSize: 18 } } Component.onCompleted: { var db = JS.dbGetHandle() db.transaction(function (tx) { var results = tx.executeSql( 'SELECT what FROM dropboxWhatIs order by what desc') for (var i = 0; i < results.rows.length; i++) { listModel.append({ what: results.rows.item(i).what, checked: "" }) } }) } } }
Am I missing something?
Thank you for your help. -
Hi @Gojir4,
The problem is that when I click on a dropdown item it is either
not actually chosen or
chosen, but it doesn't appear in the combobox text area.
Your recommendation works right after there is an item chosen and it appears in the combobox's editable text area.
@gabor53 said in QML ComboBox doesn't add text from its dropdown list to the text area:
textRole: "text"
Again, you don't have a role
in your model. It should bewhat
since you use:listModel.append({ what: results.rows.item(i).what, checked: "" })
Hi @Diracsbracket ,
Thank you. I changed it and it works perfectly.