QtWebKit with OpenGL
I have an Qt/E with Webkit working on ARM platform. I have a Graphics plugin (QScreenDriverPlugin) which enables 2D display. I have used QtTestBrowser to validate.
I also have OpenGL ES2, which is working with Demo QT OpenGL applications. We are using Simplegl plugin for getting the EGL context.
I want to run the same QtTestBrowser with OpenGL. That means I would like to discard Raster display and instead display every thing using EGL Screen context. To do this:
- Do we have any thing which is already available (I tried with -graphicsbased option, which i didnt succeed)
- Should we do some modifications to get it working. Do we have any reference modifications?
Hari -
You can change painter to QGLFramebufferObject and then render using it.
QGLFramebufferObject *fbo = new QGLFramebufferObject();
QPainter painter( fbo);Then you would probably need to add it to QGLWidget.
That's my first idea.or try:
QGraphicsScene scene;
QGraphicsView view(&scene);
QGLWidget viewport(&view);
QGraphicsWebView wdg;
view.show();I don't know will it help you but these are my first shoots.