Application Deployment On Android Issue.
Hi all,
There is a problem on deploying an application on Android and application gets crashed when I include the following piece of code in .pro file. This code is mandate to deploy application on Android. Help me to solve it.contains(ANDROID_TARGET_ARCH,armeabi-v7a) {
}Thank you
when you deploy the apk you should be getting some error on the application windows. What is that error ? Can you check ? Does it say failing to load some ".so" files ?
Yes the error message is saying that is missing. -
@KiranRudigi said in Application Deployment On Android Issue.:
error message is saying that is missing.
Did you use
for deployment ? -
look like you missed adding network in your pro file configuration. Can you check it ? If it is not added, android deployment will not include that in library bundling.
yes I had missed to include it in pro file. Now it's working fine. Thanks for your help. -
@KiranRudigi please don't forget to mark your post as such. Thanks.